Alan King was born in Greenwich, South East London in February 1952. He first started to draw at John Evelyn School in Deptford (mostly in text books which got him the cane on a regular basis!) Once he joined Eltham Green School in 1963 King studied Art under Richard Box and Jim Riddock where he was introduced to the artists of the Surrealist movement. Later King studied the optical illusion work of M. C. Escher and Oscar Reutersvard, plus the architecture and interior design of Frank Lloyd Wright.

Coming Soon…
Digital Art
Drawing on his knowledge of computer and commercial design techniques, processes and working methods Alan King has developed his own unique and recognisable style. His vibrant and vividly surreal landscapes bridge the gap between surrealist imagery and New Media technique.
Alan King’s style cleverly combines drawing and computer skills. The drawing aspect leaves in the art aspect while the computer portion allows the artist to make some odd, yet intriguing, images with much more clarity than old fashioned drawing and painting can provide. A master of digital technique, King is able to capture and express the images seen in his mind’s eye; opening doors into a world where traditional Art methods are combined in the computer to create new and Surreal images