Diagnosed at 9 with Asperger’s, John attended a school for young people with autism. This is where he first became truly interested in photography as an art form and began tuition with Roger Smith from Jurassic Coast Gallery.
John has enjoyed being mentored by Roger who has helped to give him the confidence to challenge himself in a way that he had not found possible before. He went on to share an exhibition with Roger at Whitestone’s Cafe Gallery and sold some of his Photographs in his first exhibition.
John also has dyspraxia which affects his motor control. He enjoys art but, due to his motor difficulties, had never before been able to express himself in an artistic fashion. He has found photography the best medium to do this and Roger believes he has real talent.

“ I like to show how autistic people see the world...”
His images are sometimes quirky and this makes his photography different and interesting.
“When something catches my eye I enjoy taking images of random themes from unusual perspectives”.
He believes that a good image is one that catches the eye, has an interesting subject and holds the observer’s interest.
Being a huge fan of penguins, he would love to photograph them in their natural habitat. He is keen to travel in the future and take images of the wonders of the world and famous landmarks in his unusual style.
“ I hope you enjoy seeing the world from my perspective....”